Texas Divorce Process Timeline
Understanding the Divorce Process in Texas
To file a divorce, Texas law requires that either the husband or wife must have lived in Texas for the prior 6 months and lived in the county where the divorce will be filed for 90 days.
If the residency provisions are not met, but the marriage took place in Texas, a divorce may still be possible.
After being served with a Texas petition for divorce, Texas law provides that a party has until the “Monday next following the expiration of twenty days following service of process” to file their answer to the divorce petition.
Since there are so many divorce firms in the Houston area, it can be hard to choose one that meets your needs. With such an important decision on the table, you need an attorney dedicated to providing quality, honest representation. However, some firms simply hand off their cases to assistants or a junior attorney, and clients never end up discussing their case with the attorney they believed that they actually hired.
At The Larson Law Office, founding attorneys Erik and Diana Larson do not pass cases on to legal assistants and handle each divorce case personally. From the beginning of the process to the end, we commit ourselves to providing one-on-one, personalized service. To us, nothing is more important than being a trusted legal advocate and communicating with clients every step of the way.